How To Clean Gas Stove (Step By Step Guide)

A gas stove is the essential appliance of every home, and for many people, nothing feels more personal than those vintage kitchen appliances.

In addition to smelling great and looking lovely, a clean gas stove is an essential safety need for the kitchen. You should know how to clean gas stoves and burners thoroughly to avoid burnt-on food and grease, and these steps will make your gas stove burners sparkle in no time.

Different ways to clean gas stove

Soap and water

Using soap and water is the old-fashioned method for cleaning a gas stove. You only need these two things to clean your gas stove.

How to Clean with Soap and Water?

  • The first thing to do is remove the grates and burners from the stovetop.
  • Don’t scrub at this stage; wipe away any dry debris.
  • Add two or three drops of dishwashing soap to the soapy water to soak the grates and burners.
  • If the fuel ports of the burners are not working, you should look at them. If they are clogged, use the brush to clear them. It is essential because clogged burners pose a hazard in the kitchen. 
  • To clean the stovetop, wash it with a sponge soaked in dish soap. Apply drops of dish soap to the liquid as you squeeze it out in circular motions. Be careful not to overdo the dish soap soaking since too much will cause the fuel ports to saturate and require you to wait until they are dry.
  • Rinse the stovetop and sponge after cleaning them. Dry the stovetop and sponge with a dry kitchen towel after rinsing.


You can easily clean gas stove grates with ammonia. Soak your burners and grates in ammonia overnight, and place them inside zip-lock bags before adding ammonia. Watch the debris float away the following day after you rinse them with water.

Baking soda and hydrogen peroxide

If you have hard stains on the gas stove, then try using the sprinkles of hydrogen peroxide and baking soda on your gas stove. After a while, you will notice that it will slowly break down the hard stains and grease. Now, rinse the gas stove with water and dry it before using it.

Salt and baking soda

Take equal proportions (1 tablespoon) of salt and baking soda and mix them to a fine paste. Take an unused kitchen cloth and soak it in this paste. Now, use the paste to clean the surface of the gas stove, and it will remove all the hard stains and debris.

White vinegar

White vinegar acts as a powerful ingredient in cleaning the stains on the gas stove. You need to prepare a solution with one part of white vinegar and two parts of tap water. Since white vinegar is acidic, spraying it on the grease or debris will loosen. 

If you cannot find white vinegar near you, try to buy regular vinegar and prepare the solution with the same proportions.

Dish soap and baking soda

Mix the dish soap and baking soda in equal proportions. Blend these both till it becomes a fine paste. 

Then apply this mixture to the grates and burners, and leave them in ziplock bags. Now, scrub the grates and burners and wash them to see the glitter.

Baking soda and lemon

With the help of lemon and baking soda, you can remove tough stains quickly. Since lemon comes with antibacterial properties, it not only cleans the gas stove but also acts as a disinfectant. Using lemon on the stove’s surface does not get any scratches.

You can take a handful of baking soda and add it to the top slice of the lemon. Now, scrub the lemon on the stove and areas with caked-up particles. Wait for at least fifteen minutes, and then clean the surface of the gas stove with a damp cloth.

Tips to keep your gas stove clean

  • Wipe the Overflows Immediately

We tend to forget the stains caused by the food spills on the gas stove most of the time. Whenever you notice milk spilling on the gas stove or boiling water spilling on the gas stove, try to clean it immediately with a sponge, water, or detergent.

  • Let the Burners Dry

Whenever you clean the stove, let the grates and burners dry before the subsequent use. Place them back on the stove once they are dried out.

How to clean the gas stove top?

Keeping your gas stovetop clean is essential for preparing healthy meals. Here are a few tips on how you can clean the gas stovetop.

Firstly, clean the dirt by removing the burners and grates from the stove. Now, use a towel to remove the dirt.

Prepare a cleaning solution: You can use the above solutions or add two drops of dishwashing liquid to lukewarm water. Now, clean the stove with this solution till the grease removes.

Rinse Properly:

  1. Take a sponge and clean the stove with the above cleaning solution.
  2. After this, rinse the stove properly with a damp cloth.
  3. Use a dry microfibre cloth to dry the stove.

How to clean a gas stove burner?

Now that you know how to clean your gas stove, it is time for you to learn how to clean the stove’s burners. Follow the below steps to clean the burners properly:

Read Manufacturer Instructions: Every gas stove comes with a manufacturer’s manual. Follow the steps given in the manufacturer’s manual to clean the gas stove burners effectively.

Clean the Burner Grates and other main components: Remove the burner grates, rings, and caps. Soak this in a solution of lukewarm water and dishwashing liquid for about 40-60 minutes. To prepare the solution, mix two tablespoons of dishwashing liquid with half a bucket of lukewarm water.

Wash the Burners: After soaking the burners for a while, it is time for you to wash the burners thoroughly. Use a soft brush or sponge to remove hard stains and clean the burners with a lint-free cloth. Put them back on the stove.

Test the Burners: After placing the burners on the stove, it is time to test them. See if there are any irregular flames or if they are working fine.


If you want the gas stove to perform better in the long run, it is essential to clean it frequently. You need not strain yourself by deep cleaning every month. Follow any of the steps mentioned above, and clean the gas stove easily.

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